Ordinary Channel Steel
Channel steel is a long strip of steel with groove section. Its specification is expressed in millimeters of waist height (H) * leg width (b) * waist thickness (d). For example, 120 * 53 * 5 represents channel steel with waist height of 120 mm, leg width of 53 mm, and waist thickness of 5 mm, or 12# channel steel. For channel steel with the same waist height, if there are several different leg widths and waist thicknesses, a, B and C shall also be added on the right side of the model, such as 25A #, 25B #, 25C #, etc.

It is divided into ordinary channel steel and light channel steel. The specification of hot rolled ordinary channel steel is 5-40#. The specification of hot-rolled flexible channel steel supplied through agreement between the supplier and the buyer is 6.5-30#. Channel steel is mainly used in building structure, vehicle manufacturing and other industrial structures. Channel steel is often used with I-beam.
Non standard channel steel is based on the waist height, leg width, waist thickness and weight per meter of channel steel. It is mainly to save cost without affecting safety and quality, and discount on height, width and thickness. For example, the weight of 10a# channel steel is 10.007kg per meter and 60.042kg for 6m. If a 6m non-standard 10a# channel steel is 40kg, we call it the lower difference of 33.3% (1-40 / 60.042).